Saturday, January 9, 2010

(S)light of Hand - Day 9 of 365

(S)light of Hand (9 of 365)

I'm pretty sure that I've seen a shot like this before, but I was messing around with the camera this morning and I decided to see if I could pull off the old light bulb in the hand trick.

To do this, I took a shot of my hand holding the light bulb (unlit) with my Nikon SB-600 flash shining down like the light bulb would do if it was lit (I used cardboard to narrow the beam of light). I fired the flash via CLS with the D90's popup flash (popup to off). Then, I took another shot with the light bulb in the same position, but lit with a portable socket. Then, I photoshop'ed the two together and worked on matching the intensity and color of the light from both shots. It's not perfect, but I didn't think it was too bad for a first try. BTW, I cleaned the lit light bulb after the first shot because I noticed that it was so dirty. In the end, the dirty lit bulb turned out to have a lot more character, so I went with it.

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